Frequently asked questions.
What is the timeline for this process?
The ConnectEC engagement process will begin in April 2023 and will extend through early Summer 2023.
What does “placemaking” mean?
Placemaking means creating places and focusing on transforming public spaces to strengthen the connections between people and these places. Placemaking is a process centered on people and their needs, aspirations, desires, and visions, which rely strongly on community participation. Source: ArchDaily
What does “placekeeping” mean?
Placekeeping is the active care and maintenance of a place and its social fabric by the people who live and work there. It is not just preserving buildings but keeping the cultural memories associated with a locale alive while supporting the ability of local people to maintain their way of life as they choose. Source: USDAC
How can I get involved?
All community members with connections to East Cleveland are welcome to participate in the visioning process. If you’d like to receive news and updates on the ConnectEC process, please visit the Contact page.